But the emptiness sets

as the fear crush my lungs

I’m scared

I’m scared you don’t feel this way

Are the silences your kindness,

keeping me from hurting?

I’m scared of a hundred things,

But I cannot speak of it anymore. 

Rip the band-aid, don’t be afraid.

I know maybe i’m not the guy you want.

But the illusion of hope that is the

will keep me awake.

The entire existence of you

With the twists and turns of our lives, 

-everything in between,

and the kindness of your soul

In the way your eyes smile and shine,
Embracing the world, full of stars,

Makes me know the distance and the waiting 

would mean nothing

next to just a moment,

a warm embrace,

Knowing we can be happy together.

el peor enemigo de alguien que escribe
es la felicidad

porque te aleja
te aplaca y te seca
te borra las lágrimas
y además las dudas
levantando paredes enormes
entre las manos y el teclado

pero aún así
prefiero sonreír
preferiría no escribir nunca mas,
y mirarla a los ojos en silencio,
-ambos sonriendo
durante lo que podamos compartir